More frequent boiler cleaning is more effective against high-temperature chlorine corrosion than selective boiler cleaning, for example twice or three times a day. This was our “outcome” from the last PREWIN conference in Leoben and speaks in favour of our technological approach: the sulphation reaction, i.e. the chemical reaction that makes the chlorine in the ash particles available for the corrosion of the heat exchanger tubes, takes much longer. Much longer than the flight time of the particle from the grate to the pipe and all the longer the larger the particle is (several hours according to laboratory tests).
Regular cleaning with Shock Pulse Generators (SPG) means that fly ash – and with it the chlorine – is quickly removed from the boiler, thus minimising corrosion. This is an additional advantage of our SPG.
Online boiler cleaning will also be the topic at the next PREWIN conference, organised by Hitachi Zosen Inova AG in Birmingham, UK. We look forward to exchanging experiences!